Monday, November 19, 2012

This Thanksgiving, Give Thanks to a Healthier You

Most of us, like myself, give ourselves permission to indulge around the holidays when it comes to feasting. However, during the holiday season, which lasts roughly six weeks, most of us manage to gain on average one pound each. This one pound may not sound like a lot but pounds begin to add up throughout the years. In order to assure that you’re not included in the majority of people gaining weight, there are lots of tips in order to maintain a healthy you. For example, try to get some exercise before the big meal. Friends and family can gather together and toss the ole pig skin around. Your metabolism is elevated for one to two hours after exercise, which means you burn calories quicker. The harder you exercise, the more calories you burn. The next mistake that most of us make is that you don't eat anything before the big meal, whether it's to save room or to save those few extra calories. Therefore, make sure you eat breakfast and maybe even throw in a small pre-dinner snack. It's very important to eat breakfast for several reasons. One reason is to help take the edge off the hunger, which can help stop you from snacking on all of the appetizers which can be sneaky calories. Another reason is that eating in the morning helps to keep your metabolism up to speed. When our bodies don't get the nutrients we need, our body goes into starvation mode to conserve energy, which means our metabolism slows down and we burn fewer calories. Also remember to keep your plate colorful. Vegetables are key, and no mashed potatoes do not qualify as a very healthy vegetable. Sweet potatoes are a food that is very rich in vitamins and nutrients but loading it with sugar and butter negate these benefits. When it comes to pie, I won't ask you to pass but if you can, go with a slice of pumpkin pie. A slice of pumpkin pie only has about 350 calories. Some pies, like pecan pie, can have up to 750 calories per slice. So this season, don't feel guilty about all the food you've consumed. Save yourself from the crash diet that begins after the holidays are over. Spend your time celebrating family, friends, and life. Happy Holidays!

The Skinny On Holiday Weight Gain

8 Steps To Avoid Holiday Weight Gain

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